What to expect on Sunday…
On Sunday, we invite you to COME, EXPERIENCE AND CONNECT. Our Sunday School (Adult Class Only) and Worship Service will be offered not only in-person but will continue to be offered virtually. For our Sunday School, we will open the church doors at 9:15 a.m. Sunday School begin at 9:30 a.m.
Upon your arrival and prior to opening the doors, we ask that you remain in your vehicles until we open the doors. For traceability, all attendees are asked to register for Worship Service. Details can be found here. Upon entering, your temperature will be checked. We ask that you go to the banquet (overflow) room for Sunday School class. Chairs have been set up in rows. You are asked to sit in every other chair. For our Worship Service, we will open the church doors at 10:30 a.m. (30 minutes before service). Service will begin at 11:00 a.m. Upon your arrival and prior to opening the doors, we ask that you remain in your vehicle until we open the doors and request that you do not congregate in the narthex, hallways, etc. upon entering.
As you enter the Sanctuary (Fellowship Hall), you will notice the chairs are set as they were before the pandemic. Our ushers are ready to greet you and will escort you to your seat. You will be asked to sit in every other chair. If you arrive as a family living in the same household, you will be seated together.
At this time, Teen and Youth Church will not be meeting. However, we encourage families to enjoy the worship service together!
On 3rd Sundays when we celebrate Holy Communion, communion elements will be distributed as you enter the sanctuary for service.
To reduce high-touch points, a collection box will be available at the back of the sanctuary as you enter/exit. You may also give/donate online through Cash App, PayPal and by mail. The mailing address is P.O. Box 7376, Woodbridge, VA 22195. You may also drop off your gifts at church on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
What MOBC is committed to doing…
- Ensuring we keep a safe distance from one another by seating each family 3 feet apart.
- Limiting capacity to allow enough space for social distancing.
- Providing masks and no-touch hand sanitizer stations.
- Sanitizing high-touch surfaces before and after services.
- Staying informed about best practices for a safe environment.
What you can do…
- Wear your masks inside the building. We will have masks on hand for those who need one.
- Practice social distancing, which unfortunately means avoiding hugs and handshakes for now.
- Choose the safest worship experience for you. If you’re high-risk, we encourage you to attend our online service.
We really mean it when we say that we are all in this together. Whether you join us online or in person, we love you and look forward to worshipping with you.
Frequently Asked Questions
You do not need to reserve your seat in advance. Seating will be provided on a first come, first serve basis. All seats are open and available. When you arrive in the sanctuary, an usher will direct you/your family to available seating.
MOBC frequently disinfects high-touch surfaces throughout the building and the sanctuary will be sanitized between each service and use. Hand-sanitizing stations are located at the church entrance, Narthex and near the sanctuary. Water fountains, the Hebrew Café and kitchen will remain unavailable at this time.
Yes, you will have access. The restrooms close to the fellowship hall will be available. Access will be limited to one or two persons at a time.
As a church, we are requiring everyone to wear their face mask for your protection and to protect one another. We are aware the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued new guidelines stating those who have been vaccinated are not required to wear masks in public. However, for the safety of our brothers and sisters everyone is required to wear their mask while in the church building.
If you forget to bring a mask, do not worry. Masks will be made available. Choir members will remove masks while singing.
If you or someone in your family is considered “high-risk” for severe illness, and/or you are uncomfortable attending a service with unmasked people, we encourage you to worship with us online. We have a faithful and active online community that has been engaging in our livestreams for over a year.
The Hebrew Café will remain closed at this time. We hope to resume the Café soon.
We completely understand, and we want you to do what makes you the most comfortable! We invite you to join us for virtual Adult Sunday School starting at 9:30 a.m. and worship with us online via Facebook and YouTube starting at 11:00 a.m.
- In the last 14 days you have tested positive, experiencing symptoms, or have a known exposure to COVID-19.
- If you are in a “high-risk” group, or you care for someone who may be at “high-risk” for severe illness.
We invite you to join us for virtual Adult Sunday School starting at 9:30 a.m. and worship with us online via Facebook and YouTube starting at 11:00 a.m.