S.H.A.R.E. (Self Help and Resource Exchange) is a food network designed to promote people working together to help one another meet each other’s needs. Monthly registration (normally the 2nd Sunday) is held where food packages are purchased at a 50% to 60% discount off retail prices. Packages can be donated or purchased. For two hours of volunteer work and the discounted price, you will receive double in grocery items for your money.
S.H.A.R.E. is not a public assistance program, but a way of purchasing and distributing food in bulk while performing a blessed community service. The menus for each month change along with the monthly specials. The specials are similar to the regular packages, but always has a little something extra. You must purchase the regular package in order to purchase the monthly special. S.H.A.R.E. Packages are distributed monthly at Mount Olive Baptist Church in the lower auditorium.
AUGUST 2023 menu
S.H.A.R.E. registration is open NOW thru Sunday, August 13, 2023. See flyer for menu. To place your order please send an email to share@mobcwoodbridge.org or call Lisa Mason at 540-809-8737. Payments will be accepted via:
– CASH APP (Please add processing fee of 2.75% to your total)
– Cash (Payments can be dropped off at the church. Please call ahead.)
– Check (Mail to MOBC, P.O. Box 7376, Woodbridge, VA. 22195).
All orders are due by Sunday, August 13th. SHARE Pick-up day is Saturday, August 26, 2023.