Church Family,
Matthew 28:19 says “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
Beginning Sunday February 4th, the evangelism ministry will begin their evangelism/share the love presentation. The purpose of the presentation will be to present God’s vision to MOBC members for the evangelism strategy for 2024. The presentation will include topics on the vision, purpose, calendar of events, evangelism scenarios, and overall, how you fit into the important mission to make disciples and draw more Brothers and Sisters to Jesus Christ. It is our prayer to reach every member of MOBC with this important presentation by the end of February.
The presentation will be conducted during the Sunday School hour from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. classroom 159. Sunday school will still be conducted at the same time, giving you an option to attend one or the other. You will only miss one Sunday School class if attending this presentation. You can also join via Zoom using the information below.
Meeting ID: 835 5234 5724 and Passcode: 775734
Please purpose in your heart to attend the presentation. Don’t worry if you miss the first one, additional presentations will occur on each remaining Sunday in February.
See you on February 4th!